Update on my recovery

15 April 2013

12.00pm - Left clinic.

3.30pm - the local anaesthesia wore off. Could feel slight discomfort around my stitches.

4.00pm - The pain became unbearable.

5.00pm - Pain went away. Fell asleep.

8.00pm - Blood stopped oozing.

11.00pm - Blood coagulated at where my top wisdom tooth was. Had to remove chunks of the solids with my bare hand. Ewww....

16 April 2013

8.00am - Started eating solid food. Noticed swelling on my left jaw.

Conclusion..... wisdom tooth extraction is manageable.  Not as scary as what my friends told me. The only part I hate is seeing the stitches in my gums. Looks frankenstien-ish. Ewww... regardless, it turned out exactly like what my Doctor told me it would. So I am happy with the surgery. But having said that, I don't think I want to go through another round of wisdom tooth extraction any time soon.... well, maybe next year. Lol.

3.20pm - clinic called to check up on my progress. I feel so loved. I guess you get what you pay for. Hahahahahaha!


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