Hal caterer

Yesterday my mum had a melt down and made me confused in the process. Lol. Yeah, all these planning got me in trouble. Sucks to be a malay. Like I said, we want to get married. But did not expect the planning to take place so soon. It started with a wedding gown I saw last week, and it snowballed from there. My intention is to pick out vendors I looooove and rank them. Having an option is better than no option. Then lepas tu boleh bobal la. My mum on the other hand has no option with the caterer. Senang cakap dia suka sangat la dengan masakkan orang tu. In the last 8 years, caterer tu is still the best in her mind. Dulu dia cakap caterer yang bagus-bagus, kene book almost 2 years in advance. So bila aku dapat tau caterer ni dah fully book for Jan 2015, aku pon kancheong ah. And naturally told my mum cepat book. Then timing pulak clash dengan bulan orang buat haji, blablabla. Alamak, baru aku dapat rasa sekarang bertapah lecehnya nak buat majlis persandingan. And mak aku pon dapat rasa asal mak-mak BTB perangai. So far bapak aku macam relek je. Pada dia its just food! Then suddenly mak aku baru perasan.... eh Yusri belom merisik. For what book dulu.... lololol.

So I told my mother kalau ade rezeki, alhamdulillah. Kalau takde, there's always other caterer. Lol. Drama avoided.

Lesson to be learnt: Parents of BTB, please manage your expectations.


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