Nothing Fancy. Just Grown Up Stuffs.

Did some accounting of my finances this month. And its in the RED! The bulk of it was due to the NAFA course fees. I'm not sure how to maintain my money. Like, how do I split big expenditure across a few months. Such that I don't penalise myself the months after that scrimping all my money just to make up for the loss. I am not really a big spender. And when I save money, I save a lot. But I am not sure if I am saving at all. Cos sometimes I make large transactions like my dentist visits. And I have no idea if by the end of the year I saved anything. Need to come up with something so I can monitor my expenditure.

Anyway... my boyfriend and I went to the wedding expo last weekend. Its an... overwhelming experience. All of them tell you, promotion this and that. Discount this and that. I just went there collect brochures je. Lepas tu balik tak tengok pon. If this is the sort of things I have to go through to plan my wedding, then I give up. There's just too much players out there that you're spoilt for choice. And sometimes I like the baju, but I freaking hate their make up skills. I like their deco, but got turned off by the condition of their furniture. Like their catering, but leave out the wedding cupcakes please. Cupcakes are so last season! Why are people still putting up cupcakes as a wedding cake! And all the hindu stuff like that throw2 thing, telor and beras  thing people do for blessing... I just don't want it to be part of my wedding please! And I don't want henna drawing also. So ugly. Btw, these days most of the bridal package comes with bridesmaid and bestman baju. hmm... this is quite tricky. I don't want a bridesmaid just cos everyone else has one. But I need one to help me with my tissue paper, touch up, handphone, instagramming, blablabla. And I think I only trust my sister. Cos I can fart, smell my pits and dig my nose infront of her and she won't judge. Hahaha!! But I won't call her a bridesmaid la. Maybe I just call her my sister. Lol.

So all this talk.... hate to say this.... but my boyfriend have yet to masuk minang todate. I have hinted to him a million times already I want a ring by my birthday... which is in 3 weeks time btw. We have been strolling outside the jewellery shops staring at some rings. And thats just it for us.... dreaming of a wedding that may not happen. Hahahaha. Such a pessimistic person I am hor?!

But if we do finally set a date, there's one thing I dread of doing the most... marriage course. Some btb says its a one on one lesson. But some says its in groups. Either way, it sounds like an uncomfortable and awkward experience. Anyway, I never bothered to research further. Only when the time comes. ;)

Its past midnight and its raining cats and dogs outside and I think I've come up with something fantastic to manage my moolah. K goodnight.


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