Finally did my hair!

It was something that should have been done a long time ago. My hair is naturally wavy. Every 6 months or so, I will go to a 'professional' to get it straightened. So far I am very pleased with their services and they didn't charge an arm and a leg for a rebonding session + haircut. But just before hari raya last year, they started to increase their pricing for long hair. So itchy backside here, decided to go look for a cheaper alternative.

I thought of doing my hair just before this coming hari raya. But I just couldn't stand the sight of it now. It looked like a bird's nest. So sad. So my friend helped me to book an appointment for Saturday (which was yesterday) at her mum's friend's shop.

When I stepped in, it looked so different from the usual hair salon that I go to. So many..... aunties!!!! Omg! A total culture shock!

I showed the hairdresser an old photo of Gwyneth Paltrow in long bob. Snipped my hair like a professional. Then later asked me to blow dry my hair. I didn't know what she meant so I followed her to the toilet. Then she laughed at me and pointed me to a hair dryer and said "you help me to blow dry". Wtfbbq?! I have never been to a hair salon that ask their customers to blow dry their hair themselves. I suppose her customers are regulars there cos they helped themselves to everything in the shop. They blow dry themselves, bring out fresh and folded towels from the back, helped to sweep off hairs from the floor. It felt like a weekend hangout place for these aunties. It was weird and funny at the same time. There were so many customers that day and only two hairdressers. So I had to wait an hour and a half before they had time to attend to me. Because of the lack of manpower, most of my time was spent waiting to be 'served'. So I spent a good 5 hours in the shop before they were done with me, when a normal shop would have taken just 3 hours. My butt was soooo sore by the time I was done.

The rebonding and hair cut cost me $55. The rebonding is ok. The haircut..... not so much. I am waiting for my hair to grow some length first before I go back to my usual hairdresser to get it corrected.

Will I go there again? Definitely. Cos its cheap. And the shop reminds me of the movie "Beauty Shop". Warmth that my usual hair salon lacks. But I will not go to them for a hair cut.

For the record, I was so happy to snip off my long locks. I thought I would change my mind at the last minute, but I was so ready to let go half of it. I needed a huge change. So glad I finally did it.

Btw, my parents, aunt and grandmother all said the haircut is reminiscent of my 6 year old hairstyle. Lol.


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