We're Engaged!

We're finally engaged! It all happened last Friday night 29 August 2014.

I felt it wasn't necessary cos both of us also dah lemau, sape nak. Lol. Tapi dah adat melayu kan, so apa nak buat. I think its good also la that our parents insist on it, sebab kalau tak, this tradision will die with our generation. Lepas tu...  Apakah identiti Melayu? Setakat baju kurung raya je ke?

Anyway, both our sides kept it hush-hush, in case tak jadi sebab for whatever reason lah. But since both sides agree and aku pon dah dapat cincin white gold with single diamond (lol!) , we can now start planning for our wedding! Yey!!! So exciting or what!

My engagement is really botak tau. Makanan setakat roti kirai made by my aunt (bless her heart). Makeup artist setakat his cousin. We didn't exchange dulang, except for the ring and duit tanda. As for me, aku stakat kasi jam tangan tanpa dulang! Actually aku ada niat nak buat dulang diy. Perkakasnya pon dah beli. Tapi, its more difficult than I thought. So I gave up and just gave it as it is... Hahahahahaha! Macam siak.

The whole process was awkward. But aiyah...  Dah terjadi. My mum pulak muka stone. She said she felt sad that I am getting married soon. Awwwww...

The next day je, matair aku tukar status dia kat Facebook. From in a relationship  to Engaged. Hahahahaha! Lame.

We haven't picked out a date yet. But its definitely end of 2015. We thought 27 December 2015 would be a great date, sebab it's our 10 year anniversary. Lololol. So cheesy. But parents have the final say.  So yeah...


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