Registering Interest For a Home

Contrary to my blog's header, I am not bored right now. Specially logged in to my blog account to update on a very interesting experience in my life.

Today I paid S$10 to apply for a flat. Finally gotten around to reading the HDB FAQs page.

The process was reminiscent of going through application for schools. Except then I had to argue with my dad about it. But this time I actually agreed with my dad.

Hopefully I get it. But if I don't, it was an interesting experience. I now can kind of gauge the market rate for a home in Singapore.... And it is not in the favour of first-time buyers.... even after the measly HDB grant.

Anyway I also have to add that up till today, I never gave much thought to the question, "Is he the one for you?". I kept asking him, "you sure about this?" And he'd go, "yes". But I never asked the same question to myself. I know it sounds bad. You'd think after knowing a person for 7 years, the answer would be a no-brainer. But this is huge. I think even more huge than deciding to marry someone. Lol!

Today was most probably the most grown up thing I have ever done. Hahahaha. Help pray for us that the application is successful! Insya'allah.


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