Bought my first sewing machine

As you would  know by now, I had recently signed up for my first ever sewing classes. So in anticipation of what's to come, I went out to get myself a sewing machine! It's a Viking E10!

But first a story of how I decided on the Viking...

I did some research online and initially found Brother GS2700 to be the perfect model for a beginner like me. The one step bobbin set up was what attracted me to it.

I decided to put the purchase on kiv first after I get to use the sewing machine at school. So at least I can decide for myself if the machine is suitable for me.

So yesterday, found out my dad and aunt wanted to go to Courts superstore and I decided to tag along. Found the model that I wanted, but what do you expect? We were at Courts. There were sales people. So these ladies tried to sell me a Singer 8280 first. I didn't like the knob on the front. Looked cheaply made. So she showed me Viking E10. I didn't like it at first cos my mind were still on the Brother GS2700. I didn't care so much for the 21 stitch functions the Viking has (the Brother model has 27) or it's a Sweden company (but made in China) or that it's spare parts are the same as Singer. I only wanted to know if the one step bobbin is something I needed. Then the one thing she said that made me changed my mind completely...  She said the bobbin casing for the Brother model is made up of plastic, while the Viking one is metal. I read up online that plastics for a moving part is a no-no. Additionally, my mum used to own a sewing machine, though I can't remember what model it was...  Anyway, I remember she had a few of those metal bobbin casings, so I thought I can use hers as well.

At that time I didn't think I would go home with one, but I thought since I got the convenience of a personal transport, I'll just get the machine. Hence got myself the Viking E10. Paid $199 for it. Which was the same cost as the Brother GS2700 and Singer 8280. I also bought stuffs like the needle, and 2 other optional foot...  Additional $34.

Played around with the machine till the wee hours of the morning. With the help of YouTube, I successfully fixed my blouse, pants and even buttons! I also used the blind stitch foot to fix the bottom hem of my dad's work pants. So proud of myself!

On hindsight, I wished I had gone with my initial plan of getting the GS2700. Because I was just trying out, I ran into a lot of problems and most of the time requires me to remove the freaking bobbins out and the entire encasing, just so I can remove the broken threads that's jamming the system up. The one step bobbin would have been a life saver, because rather than fixing the bobbin into the usual side position that we were used to, the bobbin encasing for GS2700 is on the top. So it's as easy as opening the cover, and drop it in its position. Very honestly... Even if your machine jams up a million times, you won't feel so sian fixing the problem. And my dad also pointed out that the plastic bobbin encasing of the GS2700, does not move. Lol. So what are the chances of it breaking?

But on the other hand, there's not much tutorial online for the Brother GS2700 as compared to Viking E10. The tutorials were extremely helpful. Which gave me the semangat to learn despite all the troubles. So it's not that bad after all.

I can't wait for my sewing classes to start. School starts on 1 July. Bye!


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