30th May 2013 - My birthday!

My birthday falls on a Thursday this year. My boyfriend decided to bring me to the zoo to celebrate my birthday. Entrance was expensive at $27 a pop with a tram ride. So I was pleasantly surprised to find out that birthday people get to enter for free! And they gave me a badge which entitles me to 10% discount on f&b and merchandise and a free single scoop of ice cream. Additionally, because I'm an NTUC member, my boyfriend's ticket is on 30% discount. So we (more like my boyfriend... lol) saved about 50% on the entrance fee.

It's also a good thing we went to the zoo on my birthday. Not only did my boyfriend bought all his drinks at 10% off, he kinda dropped something fragile at the shop. But because it's my birthday, they didn't charge me anything. Lol! Naise! So remember, you get away with anything at the zoo, only if it's your birthday!

For my birthday this year, I got myself a smoothie blender. I have been reading up on eating raw vegetables and fruits as a meal replacement. I got the inspiration from a friend's friend. She lost 20 kilos just by eating healthy (plus simple exercises like climbing stairs etc).

Her food involves a lot of preparation (steam this and that). I am super lazy, so I found an alternative which is to blend the vegetables and fruits. Saves me a lot of time! The downside is..... you need lots of vegetables and fruits to make enough for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But at least I know I am getting the nutrition my body needs without starving myself off food.

I didn't start using my blender until today (05 June 2013). I made just enough for tomorrow's breakfast and lunch. It consists of just spinach and blueberries. I didn't know what greens would taste like raw, so this is like an introduction of some sort. Anyway it smells like freshly cut grass. Cost me about $8 to make. If I can get used to the taste of an avocado,  I can get used to the taste of raw spinach.


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