HDB... so near yet so far

I guess even government bodies can be a screw up too. I am so annoyed.

First they asked me for the same thing I have given them on selection date. So since I work with screw ups on a daily  basis, I emailed them for confirmation and also as a black & white. But they didn't reply. Instead they updated myHDB account with something new and called my boyfriend to ask for more things from him. I then received a letter with a deadline 8 Feb otherwise they will assume I am no longer interested in the HLE. That was last Friday.

THEN I received another letter asking for the same bloody thing! But this time the deadline is shortened to 6 Feb! Wtfbbq! I don't know if they are asking the same thing FOR the same thing. I'll find out tomorrow. How many people need to handle my account man. So far I have seen 3 different officers undersigning the letters.

I hope my boyfriend can get the matter settled asap so that they will stop taunting me already. I only look forward to good news like.... "Congratulations! See you on so n so date to sign the Lease". Hehehe

I really can't believe we are actually going through with it. The next hurdle is to get married. Hurdle because its a hassle. Need to lose weight and save money. Saving money is easy.... its the losing weight part that I hate.


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